Hosts: Gary S. BOBROFF, M.A. and Cynthia CAVALLI, Ph. D.
Meaningful coincidence and the living Archetypal Feminine mystery of our world.
What is synchronicity?
How can we understand the fact of meaningful coincidence? We’ll look at the history of the modern approach to the phenomenon: including Jung’s coiningof the term and his pioneering work with physicists Pauli and Einstein.
Best Synchronicity Ever!
We’ll eat up some of the juiciest synchronicity stories in history: real life modern examples, Hollywood and musician’s tales, unbelievable literaryexamples and we’ll hear some of your Best Synchronicities Ever!
A More Meaningful Process
How can we better house within us the meaning that these events bring? Is every synchronicity a positive indicator? How can we get beyond simple egoistic interpretations and really work psychologically with a synchronicity?
The Miraculous Yin
How we can understand our human evolutionary journey through the archetypes of the Feminine & Masculine? Uniting matter and psyche beyond time and space, mysterious and multi-dimensional in its meaning, we’ll consider why synchronicity can be understood as an aspect of the archetypal Femininenature of our world.
Our Heart-Shaped Reality
How can we know objectively that consciousness extends beyond the body? We’ll examine Rupert Sheldrake‘s scientific research, look at exclusive video, and explore the connection that Jung saw between synchronicity and the feeling-based holistic worldview of the ancient Chinese traditions of the Tao and I Ching.
Living A Sacred Wedding
How does the fact of synchronicity change our view of the world and ourselves? What role does the heart play in this mystery? To bring our conscious attention to the miraculous Archetypal Feminine is effect a kind of sacred wedding. To meet the mysterious in our lives and bring it’s reality home to us, even in our individual humble way, is to unite the Masculine with the Feminine.
Each session will include time for discussion, reflection and sharing of our experiences of this mystery.
A 6-part Live Webinar Series
Registration $97 $79 (until April 9)
Hosted by G. S. Bobroff & Cynthia Cavalli, Ph. D.
* * *
Bonus: includes access to our exclusive interviews with Rupert Sheldrake & Jill Purce on synchronicity and more.
VIDEO recordings of each session will be available shortly after broadcast.
Registration discount ends April 9.
REGISTER NOW for Synchronicity & the Archetypal Feminine
A 6-part Live Webinar series hosted by Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. & Cynthia Cavalli Ph.D. Wednesdays beginning April 13, 2016.
SCHOLARSHIPS: A limited number of scholarships are available. Email Dr. Cavalli at cynthiacavalliconsulting@

Gary is also prominently featured in the upcoming film: Time is Art: Synchronicity and the Collective Dream. His related articles include: Death by Synchronicity & Life of Pi & Synchronicity and Romantic Fate
Cynthia CAVALLI, Ph. D., is a systems and organizational management consultant specializing in strategy development, future studies, and the dynamics of change and transformation. She has 30 years of experience in aerospace engineering, a Ph.D. in Human Systems, an MBA, and a BS in Physics. Dr. Cavalli utilizes a unique approach to individual and organizational transformation that integrates the principles of complexity science and Jungian psychology. She focuses on the patterns and stages of transformation to help individuals and organizations optimize and creatively leverage periods of uncertainty and ambiguity. See more at: www.cynthiacavalliconsulting.com. Cynthia will be co-hosting the second hour of the 2nd and 5th webinar sessions.
Related articles by Cynthia: Objective Meaning in Transformational Synchronicities
Using the Zoom platform, the webinar will be accessible live on Mac, Windows, iOS and Android and is viewable on iPhone and iMac. Several pre-broadcast welcome sessions will allow participants to get comfortable with the platform beforehand. Recordings in mp4 format will be available shortly after broadcast. See www.zoom.us for more info.
Video by Julie Diebolt-Price
“Take what you have gathered from coincidence.” – Bob Dylan
* All prices in U.S. dollars